The data are made available with licence Creative Commons Zero (CC0).
Personal data
The data are made available in accordance with the privacy policies of the datasets of the ELNET Consortium. Each policy is available on the web page of the corresponding dataset.
Orphan work
Books, newspapers, journals or other periodicals (including the visual works they contain) as well as audiovisual works and sound recordings that have undergone inspection as to their right holders with the following results:
a) no right holders have been identified or found (orphan worh) or
b) at least one right holder has been identified or found (partial orphan work).
Orphan works may be used for non-commercial purposes.
Works published in Europe (including Estonia) that are treated as orphan works are assembled into a pan-European Database of orphan works.
Open Access
Any work (including works in the public domain, publicly-owned), whose protection due date by copyright has expired or to whom protection is not applied. Works in public domain may be used by all, provided they comply with the termless protection of the authorship, name of the author, the author’s honour and reputation, and the title of the work.