Compiled on the basis of newspapers, journals, article collections and serials published in Estonia.
Subject fields
- technology, history of technology, engineering sciences
- materials science, general energetics
- mechanical engineering
- electrical industry, electrical technology
- mining engineering
- construction, building constructions, bridge construction
- road construction, hydrotechnics
- transport, vehicles
- precision mechanics, automatics, engineering cybernetics
- environmental technology, waste treatment
- telecommunication, radio, television
- industry, industrial history
- chemical industry, food industry, light industry, printing industry and other industries
- computer science, informatics, data processing equipment
- standardisation, standards, metrology
- biotechnology, genetic engineering
As of 1 January 2017, the database is updated selectively
Search in database Technology, industry, construction, IT
Supervised by: Tallinn University of Technology Library
Z39.50 is a standard international client-server, an application layer for searching and pulling data from the database. The search can be carried out in UTF-8 and MARC-8 encoding.
Connection parameters:
IP address:
Port: 212 (UTF-8), 210 (marc8)
Name of database: innopac
Data format options: MARC21, OPAC, SUTRS, XML
Via Z39.50 standard, it is possible to enquire by the following fields:
word - fuzzy search across different fields
record number
The standard does not support the download of all online catalogue records at one time.
The guidelines in the form of a standard are available at:
For pulling the metadata of one particular publication if the record number of the system is known.
The result gives a record similar to MARCXML.